We are given training data $(X, Y) = \{(x_1, y_1 ),\cdots , (x_N, y_N )\}$
$x \in \mathbb{R}^P$ (usually)
We assume $y_i = f(x_i ) + \varepsilon_i$
$\varepsilon$ is noise (includes randomness and approximations)
Given the training set $(X, Y)$, we want to estimate $f$:
Good predictors can be hard to interpret
Index functions $f$ by a finite-dimensional parameter vector
E.g. linear regression
via the lm
function in R
DataIncm <- read.table('Data/Income2.csv',header=T,sep=',')
ggplot(DataIncm) + geom_point(aes(x=Education,y=Income))
fit <- lm(Income ~ Education, DataIncm); fit
The first argument is a formula
Second argument unnecessary if variables in formula exist in current environment
See documentation for other optional arguments
Can print fit
This is not all the information in fit
, class()
, str()
Observe fit contains the entire dataset!
Can disable with model = FALSE
Can directly plot with ggplot :
plt1 <- ggplot(DataIncm, aes(x=Education, y = Income)) +
geom_point(size=2, color='blue') +
plt1 + geom_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE, #Disable std. errors
color='magenta', size=2)
Can regress against Seniority
fit <- lm(Income ~ Seniority, DataIncm)
Can regress against both Education and Seniority
fit <- lm(Income ~ Education + Seniority, DataIncm)
does not mean input is sum of Educ. and Sen.Rather: $Income = \beta_2 \cdot Seniority + \beta_1 \cdot Education + \beta_0 + \varepsilon$
For the former, use I
fit <- lm(Income ~ I(Education + Seniority), DataIncm)
fit <- lm(Income ~ Education + Seniority, DataIncm)
How do we make predictions at a new set of locations? E.g. (15, 60) and (20, 160)?
pred_locn <- data.frame(Education=c(15,20), Seniority= c(60,160))
predict.lm(fit, pred_locn)
edu_pred <- 10:25
sen_pred <- seq(0,200,10)
pred <- data.frame(Education=rep(edu_pred, length(sen_pred)),
Seniority=rep(sen_pred, each=length(edu_pred) ))
p_val <- predict.lm(fit, pred)
pred$p_val = p_val
plt <- ggplot(DataIncm, aes(x=Education, y=Seniority,
geom_tile(data=pred, aes(x=Education, y=Seniority,
color=p_val, fill=p_val)) +
geom_point(size=1) + theme(text=element_text(size=10)) +
scale_color_continuous(low='blue', high='red') +
scale_fill_continuous(low='blue', high='red') +
geom_point(shape=1,size=1,color='black') +
guides(fill=FALSE) # Remove legend for 'fill'
Specifying a model for lm
Symbol | Meaning | Example |
+ | Include variable | x + y |
: | Interaction between vars | x + y + z + x:z + y:z |
* | Variables and interactions | (x + y) * z |
^ | Vars and intrcns to some order | (x + y + z)^3 |
- | Delete variable | (x + y + z)^3 - x:y:z |
poly | Polynomial terms | poly(x,3) + (x + y) * z |
I | New combination of vars | I(x*y + z) |
1 | Intercept | x - 1 |
See documentation and http://ww2.coastal.edu/kingw/statistics/R-tutorials/formulae.html
A linear model with Gaussian noise is often inappropriate. E.g.
A better model might be:
$ response = g (\sum_{i=1}^N \beta_i \cdot predictor_i) + \varepsilon$
$g$ is a ‘link’ function, $\varepsilon$ is no longer Gaussian
Can fit in R with glm()
(see documentation)
No longer limit yourself to a parametric family of functions
Much more flexible
Often much better prediction
Complexity of $f$ can grow with size of dataset
Often hard to interpret
Given training data $(X, Y)$
Given a new $x^∗$ , what is the corresponding $y^∗$?
Find the k-nearest neigbours of $x^∗$ . Then:
3-nearest neighbors
(*An Introduction to Statistical Learning*, James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani)
Complexity of decision boundary grows with size of training set: ‘Nonparametric’
10-nearest neighbors
(*An Introduction to Statistical Learning*, James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani)
(*An Introduction to Statistical Learning*, James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani)
Usually chosen by cross-validation (more later)
Large k: smooth decision boundary
Small k: complex decision boundary (with local variations)
How do we perform model selection?
Do we prefer simple or complex models?
Overly simple models
Overly complex models
Complex models reduce training error, but generalize poorly.
How do we estimate generalization ability? Create an unseen test dataset.
Often 50-50 or 70-30 training-test splits are used
Too small a test set:
Too small a training set:
Split your data into k-blocks.
For i = 1 to k:
k = N: leave-one-out cross-validation
(*An Introduction to Statistical Learning*, James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani)