Lecture 15: Regular expressions in R

STAT598z: Intro. to computing for statistics

Vinayak Rao

Department of Statistics, Purdue University

We have seen the print function:

In [ ]:
x <- 1
y <- list('Hello', TRUE, c(1,2,3))

print is a generic function:

  • looks at class of input and calls appropriate function

print can only print its first term

In [ ]:
print('Right now it is', date())

For this we need the cat (concatenate) function

In [ ]:
cat('Right now it is', date(), "in West Lafayette")
cat(..., file = '' , sep = ' ' , fill = FALSE,
labels = NULL, append = FALSE)

: Inputs that R concatenates to print

sep: What to append after each input (default is space)

file: Destination file (default is stdout)

Use paste() to store the concatenated output (a string)

In [ ]:
In [ ]:
cat(1:5,sep= ',' )
In [ ]:
cat(1:5,sep= '\n' )
In [ ]:
cat('[' ,1:5, ']' ,sep=(',' ))
In [ ]:
cat('[',1:5, ']' ,sep=c('', rep(',' ,4), '' ))
In [ ]:
cat('Hello','World','New para',sep='\n',file='new_file.txt')

Section 8.1.22 in The R Inferno, Patrick Burns:

  • print outputs all characters in the string
  • cat outputs what the string represents


In [ ]:
In [ ]:
  • ‘\’ escapes the following character (indicating it is special)

What if we want to output ‘\n’ using cat ?

Escape \ with another \

In [ ]:

Regular expression: representation of a collection of strings

Useful for searching and replacing patterns in strings

Composed of a grammar to build complicated patterns of strings

R has functions, which coupled with regular expressions allow powerful string manipulation

E.g. grep, grepl, regexpr, gregexpr, sub, gsub

Matching simple patterns

In [ ]:
cities <- c('lafayette', 'indianapolis' , 'cincinnati')
grep('in', cities)
In [ ]:
grepl('in', cities)

grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, value = FALSE)

In [ ]:
grep('in',cities,value=TRUE) #Return values instead of indices

Where in each element did the match occur?

In [ ]:
regexpr('in', cities)

What if more than one match occured?

In [ ]:
gregexpr('in', cities)

What if we want to match

  • any letter followed by ’n’?
  • any vowel followed by ’n’?
  • two letters followed by ’n’?
  • any number of letters followed by ’n’?

Regular expressions!

  • allow us to match much more complicated patterns
  • build patterns from a simple vocabulary and grammar

R supports two flavors of regular expressions, we will always use perl (set option perl = TRUE )

'.' (period) represents any character except empty string '””'

In [ ]:
vec<-c('ct','at', 'cat', 'caat', 'cart', 'dog', 'rat', 'carert', 'bet')
In [ ]:
grep('.at', vec, perl = TRUE)
In [ ]:
grep('..t', vec, perl = TRUE)

+ represents one or more occurrences

In [ ]:
grep( 'ca+t', vec, perl = TRUE)
In [ ]:
grep( 'c.+t', vec, perl = TRUE)

* represents zero or more occurrences

In [ ]:
grep('c.*t', vec, perl = TRUE)

Group terms with parentheses ’(’ and ’)’

In [ ]:
grep('c(.r)+t', vec, perl = TRUE)
In [ ]:
grep('c(.r)*t', vec, perl = TRUE)

.’ ‘,’ ‘+’ ‘*’ are all metacharacters

Other useful ones include:

  • ˆ and $ (start and end of line)
In [ ]:
grep('e.$', vec, perl = TRUE)

| ( logical OR )

In [ ]:
grep('(c.t)|(c.rt)', vec, perl = TRUE)

[ and ] ( create special character classes) i [0-7ivx]: any of 0 to 7, i, v, and x

[a-z]: lowercase letters

[a-zA-Z]: any letter

[0-9]: any number

[aeiou]: any vowel

In [ ]:
grep('[ei]t', vec, perl = TRUE)

Inside a character class ˆ means "anything except the following characters". E.g.

[ˆ0-9]: anything except a digit

In [ ]:
grep('[^a]t', vec, perl = TRUE)

What if we want to match metacharacters like . or +?

In [ ]:
vec <- c('ct', 'cat', 'caat', 'caart', 'caaaat', 'caaraat', 
grep('c.t', vec, perl = TRUE) #Is this what we want?

Escape them with \

WARNING: a single \ doesn’t work. Why?

In [ ]:

R thinks \. is a special character like \n.

Use two \'s

In [ ]:
In [ ]:
grep('c\.t', vec, perl = TRUE)
In [ ]:
grep('c\\.t', vec, perl = TRUE)

To match a \, our pattern must represent \\

In [ ]:
my_var <- '\n'
grep('\\n', my_var)
In [ ]:
my_var <- ('\\')
grep('\\\\', my_var)

Search and replace

The sub function allows search and replacement:

In [ ]:
vec <-c('ct','cat','caat','caart','caaaat','caaraaat','c.t')
sub('a+', 'A', vec, perl = TRUE)

sub replaces only first match, gsub replaces all

Use backreferences \1, \2 etc to refer to first, second group etc

In [ ]:
gsub('(a+)r(a+)', 'b\\1brc\\2c', vec, perl = TRUE)

Use \U, \L, \E to make following backreferences upper or lower case or leave unchanged respectively

In [ ]:
gsub('(a+)r(a+)', '\\U\\1r\\2', vec, perl = TRUE)
In [ ]:
gsub('(a+)r(a+)', '\\U\\1r\\E\\2', vec, perl = TRUE)