Lecture 12: Data carpentry with tidyverse

STAT598z: Intro. to computing for statistics

Vinayak Rao

Department of Statistics, Purdue University

We will use a dataset of movies scraped off IMDB: https://www.kaggle.com/deepmatrix/imdb-5000-movie-dataset

  • Available from the class website
In [ ]:
movies_orig <- read.csv('./Data/movie_metadata.csv')
movies      <- movies_orig
# Can view this in RStudio using View(movies)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
movies <- as_tibble(movies)

Most functions that works with dataframes works with tibbles

  • functions in tidyverse require tibbles
  • additionally, tibbles have some nice conveniences
In [ ]:
my_rnd <- tibble(x=rnorm(10), y = x+1, z = x>0)
print(my_rnd) # tibbles also print a bit more nicely

The 'pipe' operator %>%

tidyuniverse gets this from package purrr

  • magrittr offers additional functionality

A side point on infix functions

%func_name% is syntax for infix (rather than prefix) functions:

In [ ]:
'%plus%' <- function(x,y) x+y
1 %plus% 2; '%plus%'(3,4)

%>% pipes output of first function to first argument of the second

Can give more readable code. E.g. consider

In [ ]:
              movies$imdb_score, decreasing = T
# range(movies$actor_1_facebook_likes[
#   order(movies$imdb_score, decreasing = T)][1:10])

Have to parse code from inside to outside.

In [ ]:
movies$imdb_score %>% 
  order(decreasing = T) %>% 
  movies$actor_1_facebook_likes[.] %>%  #What are the arguments to '['?
  .[1:10] %>%

By default, output of function to left of %>% is the first argument of the function to the right

Use . as placeholder if argument you are piping to is not the first

In [ ]:
4 %>% log(2) # log(4,2)
In [ ]:
4 %>% log(2,.) # log(2,4)

Can pipe to multiple arguments

In [ ]:
2 %>% log(.+6,.) # log(8,2)

Pipes in pipes are possible (but be careful)

In [ ]:
2 %>% log(.+6 %>% .^2 %>% print,.); log(38,2)

tiyverse gets %>% from the purrr package

The magrittr package provides more such functions.

E.g. the T-pipe %T>% passes the LHS onwards

  • useful for functions like plot where output isn't important
In [ ]:
library(magrittr); rnorm(100) %T>% hist  %>% mean

Our next package from tidyverse is dplyr

  • filter: pick observations by values (rows)
  • arrange: reorder rows
  • select: pick variables (columns) by their names
  • mutate: create new variables from existing variables
  • summarise: summarise many values

The scope of each is determined by group_by

For a more thorough overview, look at R for Data Science (http://r4ds.had.co.nz/transform.html#datatransformation)

The filter filter() function

Select observations/rows based on value

Cleaner alternative to indexing with logicals and which

In [ ]:
deniro <- filter(movies,actor_1_name == "Robert De Niro")
In [ ]:
deniro_good <- movies %>% 
                filter(actor_1_name == "Robert De Niro", 
                        imdb_score > 8)

Multiple argument are equivalent to logical AND (&):

 deniro_good <- filter(movies,actor_1_name == "Robert De Niro" & imdb_score > 7)

Logical or's must be written using |

In [ ]:
dnr_pcn<-movies %>% 
         filter((actor_1_name=="Robert De Niro") |
                            (actor_1_name=="Al Pacino"), 
                        imdb_score > 7)

The select() function

Unlike filter(), select() picks columns of a tibble

In [ ]:
select(deniro_good, movie_title, imdb_score)
In [ ]:
select(deniro_good, director_name:actor_2_name)[1:10,]

Can also use - to eliminate columns:

In [ ]:
select(deniro_good, -(director_name:actor_2_name))

Also includes convenience functions like contains("actor") and num_range("var",1:3)

The arrange() function

Orders rows in increasing order of any chosen column

  • Additional columns can be provided to break ties
  • desc() can be used to sort in decreasing order

Missing values always go at the end

In [ ]:
movies %>% arrange(desc(imdb_score),desc(gross)) %>% 
   select(movie_title, imdb_score, gross) %>% .[1:10,]
In [ ]:
arrange(movies, imdb_score, gross) %>% 
  select(movie_title, imdb_score, gross) %>% .[1:10,]
In [ ]:
tmp <- arrange(movies, desc(imdb_score), desc(gross))

The mutate() function

Creates new columns at the end of current data.frame

In [ ]:
movies %>% filter(country== "USA") %>% 
     select(movie_title, imdb_score, gross, budget) %>%
     mutate(succ = gross/budget) %>% 
     arrange(desc(succ)) %>% .[1:20,]

mutate can refer to functions just created

In [ ]:
movies %>% filter(country == "USA") %>%
  select(movie_title, imdb_score, gross, budget) %>%
  mutate(succ = gross-budget, perc= 100*succ/budget) %>%
  distinct() %>% arrange((succ))

distinct() is a useful function to remove repeated rows

  • can provide column names as arguments for partial repetitions

transmute() is useful if we only care about the new column

summarise() and group_by()

Summarise collapses a dataframe to a single row:

In [ ]:
summarise(movies, score = mean(imdb_score))

Becomes very powerful in conjunction with group_by()

In [ ]:
top_dir <- movies %>% group_by(director_name) %>% 
        summarise(score = mean(imdb_score)) %>% 

n() is a convenient function to get number of elements

In [ ]:
top_dir <- movies %>% group_by(director_name) %>% 
        summarise(count=n(), score = mean(imdb_score)) %>% 
        arrange(desc(score)) %>% 
In [ ]:
yr_scr <- movies %>% group_by(title_year) %>% 
         summarise(count=n(), score = median(imdb_score), 
                              ymin = quantile(imdb_score,.1),
                              ymax=quantile(imdb_score,.9)) %>% 
         arrange(desc(score)) %>% filter(count>=5)
In [ ]:
ggplot(yr_scr , aes(x=title_year, y = score)) + 
    geom_line() + 

Can have nested groupings (can revert with ungroup())

In [ ]:
act_dir<-movies %>% group_by(actor_1_name,director_name) %>% 
        distinct(movie_title, .keep_all = T) %>% 
        summarise(num = n(), scr = mean(gross-budget),
                  ttl = paste(movie_title, collapse=";")) %>% 
        arrange(desc(scr)) %>% filter(num>2) 

Let's try something more complicated:

  • Can we analyse scores/earnings across genres?

Things are actually a bit more complicated:

In [ ]:
#movies %>% select(movie_title, genres) %>% .[1:10,]
In [ ]:
gnr_type <- as.character(levels(movies_orig$genres)) %>% 
       strsplit('\\|') %>% #will see regular expressions later
       unlist %>% unique
In [ ]:
movies <- movies_orig
movies[,gnr_type] <- F
movies$genres <- as.character(movies$genres)
In [ ]:
for(ii in 1:nrow(movies)) { # Will look at better approaches
  movies[ii,gnr_type] <- 
   gnr_type %in% strsplit(movies$genres[ii],"\\|")[[1]]

colnames(movies)[38] <- "Sci_fi"
colnames(movies)[51] <- "Reality_TV"
colnames(movies)[53] <- "Film_Noir"
colnames(movies)[54] <- "Game_Show"
gnr_type <- colnames(movies)[29:54]
In [ ]:
#lm(imdb_score ~ Action + Adventure, movies  )
rslt <- lm(paste("gross ~", 
            (paste(gnr_type,collapse = '+'))), movies)
In [ ]:
movies$ntile <- ntile(movies$imdb_score,10)
movies %>% select(movie_title, ntile) %>% .[1:10,]

summarise_each let's one summarize multiple columns easily

In [ ]:
gnr_frac <- movies %>% group_by(ntile) %>% 
                       summarise_each(funs(mean, sum))
In [ ]:
gnr_frac %>% 
  gather('Genre','Count',Action:Game_Show) %>% ggplot() + 
             size=1) + 
  scale_linetype_manual(values=c(rep("solid", 12),rep("dashed",11),
                                 rep("twodash",3))) +
            brewer.pal(11,"Set3"), brewer.pal(3,"Set3"))) + 

mutate_each allows you to transform multiple columns

In [ ]:
gnr_frac %>% mutate_each(funs(./sum(.)),Action:Game_Show)

Generating tidy data

The `gather' function, allows you to combine multiple columns into 2 coloumns.

  • turns wide data into tall data

Tall data is useful for e.g. ggplot

In [ ]:
state_info <- as_tibble(state.x77)
In [ ]:
state_info %>% 
  gather(Illiteracy:`HS Grad`, key='InfoType',
  ggplot + 
   geom_smooth(aes(x=Income, y=InfoValue,color=InfoType))
In [ ]:
movies %>% filter(country=="USA") %>% 
     select(title_year, budget, gross)  %>% 
    gather(budget,gross, key = 'type', value='amt') %>% 
      ggplot + geom_smooth(aes(x=title_year,y=log10(amt), 
                               group=type, color=type)) +
In [ ]:
movies %>% filter(country=="USA") %>% 
    select(title_year, budget, Action:Musical)  %>% 
    gather(Action:Musical, key = 'type', value='amt') %>% 
    filter(amt==TRUE) %>%  
      ggplot + geom_smooth(aes(x=title_year,y=log10(budget), 
                               group=type, color=type),se=F)

spread() does the opposite

  • turns a tall data.frame into a wide one

Wide data is useful for e.g. lm

In [ ]:
spread(state_tall, key = InfoType, value=InfoValue)
In [ ]:
stdnt <- tibble(
  name      = rep(c("Alice", "Bob"), each=4),
  year      = c(2015, 2015, 2016, 2016, 2015, 2015, 2016, 2016),
  semester  = c("Spring","Fall","Spring","Fall", "Spring","Fall","Spring","Fall"),
  gpa = c(3.2, 3.9, 3.1, 3.6, 3.1, 3.9, 3.3, 3.3)
In [ ]:
stdnt %>% spread(key=semester, value=gpa)

What if there are missing/extra values?

melt() and dcast() from package reshape are slightly more powerful

  • however, tidyr with splyr should meet all your needs

Another useful pair of functions in separate() and unite()

In [ ]:
tmp <- movies %>% separate(director_name,c("First","Last"), 
                           sep=" ")

Can control what to do with missing/extra elements:

tmp <- movies %>% separate(director_name,c("First","Last"), sep=" ", extra="merge", fill="left")

Regular expressions will allow more expressivity

unite() does the opposite

In [ ]:
tmp <- unite(stdnt, yr_sm, year, semester)
In [ ]:
spread(tmp, key=yr_sm, value=gpa)