Quality of Online Teaching Committee:
Vinayak Rao (Chair) (varao@purdue.edu)
Ce-Ce Furtner
Cheryl Crabill
Doug Crabill
Leonore Findsen
Laura Cayon
Kiseop Lee
Information gathered below borrows heavily from
Important websites and information:
Purdue University's response to COVID-19 provides up-to-date information which covers general information, academic queries, and frequently asked questions.
Website for Purdue's Innovative Learning: Teaching Remotely
Business Functions related to travel
For safety concerns related to COVID-19 please contact ehps@purdue.edu
Protect Purdue Plan Website (Plan) (Pledge)
Compliance Plan: What to do in the presence of violations: Ask, Offer, Leave, Report
Classroom Guidance Regarding Protect Purdue: What is written in Purdue syllabus template
2020-2021 Purdue Academic Calendar
Spring 2021 Academic Calendar: Online option announced
DASHBOARD of Protect Purdue (showing daily testing and positivity rate)
Brownbag lunch recordings:
Resources for Instructors:
Purdue’s Innovative Learning webpage. This is being continually updated on instruction and instructional resources for Fall 2020.
Has recordings of earlier forums, email communications, FAQs etc.
To assist instructors building courses for Fall 2020 in ways that are intentional, flexible, inclusive, and safe. IMPACT X Access is probably most useful: an asynchronous, non-facilitated version of the IMPACT X program, designed to guide instructors through the major principles of course design and the implementation and delivery of online course elements within the Brightspace LMS. Some of these principles are summarized in the portfolio here: Guiding Principles of the IMPACT X+ portfolio
Moving to Brightspace (https://www.purdue.edu/innovativelearning/supporting-instruction/portal/ )
Brightspace resources: https://www.purdue.edu/learning-management/West-Lafayette/index.php
Instructional tools (Taken from the CS website): https://www.cs.purdue.edu/teaching-remotely/index.html)
Brightspace help page (Purdue)
Video: minimal introduction to Brightspace (demonstrating the following functionalities)
See student's view: click "Your Name" (upper right corner) and then "View as Learner".
Add TA/Grader: click "Classlist" (at top) and then "Add Participants".
Add Course Modules and Contents
Connect Gradescope to Brightspace
How students submit homework
Video: Linking BrightSpace to Gradescope and creation of homework in Gradescope
Video: How to Share and Download Videos from MediaSpace
MediaSpace at Purdue is a good place to store your videos. The recording done by Kaltura, Boilercast and Webex (faculty account) will by default be uploaded to this location.
Click Guest, and then Log in or My Media to access.
Log in: faculty and staff and students
Website for basic information, quick start, extra information from ITAP
Upgrade TA's Webex account to faculty account (Faculty(student) account can hold meeting up to 1000(8) people.)
Video: recording in Webex, uploading to MediaSpace and publishing/sharing from MediaSpace
You can either request the recording in advance or do an "ad hoc" recording (see the videos below demos.)
Website for basic information (including requesting Boilercast for your class)
To use pre-requested Boilercast recording, turn on the doc-cam and log in to the desktop. (This instruction sheet is available next to the desktop terminal.)
Recording lectures in classroom using Kaltura and Boilercast
Video: classroom setting and Kaltura/Boilercast capture
Video: demo lecture using "ad hoc" Kaltura/Boilercast (without requesting Boilercast in advance)
Make sure you enter your Career Account name before you start or upon saving.
Video: how to choose and change input sources (desktop, doc-cam, web-cam) for Boilercast capture.
Publish or sharing your videos from MediaSpace
Teaching Remotely TA Guidelines (also from Purdue CS)
These guidelines discuss :
Logistics & Course Policies
Assessments and Grading
Teaching & Interaction
Internet Etiquette (Netiquette) & Moderation